Court Information

Court Details
Court's Name Northern District of Florida
Release Name NextGen CM/ECF Release 1.7.2
ECF Go Live Date 11/12/2003
Maximum PDF File Size (MB) 35
Maximum Merge Document Size (MB) 1
RSS Feed
Docket entries of type: all
Entries made in the last 24 hours - Public Users
PDF/A Compliance Required n

Court Locations
Court's Name Northern District of Florida
Court's Address 110 E. Park Ave., Ste. 100, Tallahassee, FL 32301
Court's Phone Number (850) 521-5001, (866) 639-4615
Court's Email Address CMECF_helpdesk_Test@localhost.localdomain
Court's Hours 9:00am - 4:00pm

PACER Details
PACER Address PACER Service Center, PO Box 780549, San Antonio TX 78278-0549
PACER Phone Number 800-676-6856
PACER Email Address pacer_Test@localhost.localdomain

Flag Definitions
342(e)342(e) - Creditor has filed a preferred address / update info to override NCRS
707(b)707(b) - Presumption of Abuse under 707(b)
727OBJ727OBJ - Objection to the Discharge of the Debtor
ADDCHGADDCHG - Change of Address
ADMrvwADMrvw - Administrative Review Required for Application for Unclaimed Funds
ADVADV - Adversary filed
APPEALAPPEAL - Appeal filed
AUDIT-NOCLOSEAUDIT-NOCLOSE - Selected for Audit by U.S. Trustee - Do Not Close
AddCreds*** Flag replaced by AddRmvCreds 4/27/10 ***
AddRmvCredsAddRmvCreds - Amended Scheds adding or removing creditors
AppUCFAppUCF - Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds pending
AwFormsAppUCFAwFormsAppUCF - Awaiting Supporting Docs for Applic for Payment of Unclaimed Funds
AwaitAppIFPAwaitAppIFP - Awaiting Application for IFP Waiver
AwaitAppInstAwaitAppInst - Awaiting Application to Pay Filing Fees in Installments
BARDEBTORBarred Debtor
BARRED-FeesBARRED-Fees - Debtor barred from filing in this district until outstanding fees paid
BPPBPP - Bankruptcy Petition Preparer Assistance
CARESCARES - Plan modification under CARES Act provisions granted
CC_Exempt_DCC_Exempt_D - Debtor is exempt from credit counseling requirements
CC_Exempt_JDCC_Exempt_JD - Joint Debtor is exempt from credit counseling requirements
CHrvwCHrvw - Chambers Review Required for Application for Unclaimed Funds
CLAIMSCLAIMS - Notice to File Claims issued
CONSCONS - Consolidated Case
CRTeNCRTeN - Debtor Receives Electronic Notice of Court-Served Documents - COURT USE ONLY
CSCS - Court Service Ch 13
Ch7BusCh7Bus - Chapter 7 Business Case
ClmsAgtClmsAgt - Debtor has employed a claims agent
CounDueCounDue - Credit Counseling Certification not filed
CredAdd*** Replaced with 342(e) flag 4/27/10 ***
DEFERDEFER - Fee Deferred
DELAY*** Replaced by DelayCL 4/27/10 ***
DISMISSED_w/PREJUDDISMISSED_w/PREJUD - Case Dismissed with Prejudice
DSODSO - Certification re: Domestic Support Obligations Due
DebtEdDebtEd - Debtor's Financial Management Course Certificate Due
DebtEdJtDebtEdJt - Joint Debtor's Financial Management Course Certificate Due
DelayCLDelayCL - Delay closing of case
DelayODSCDelayODSC - Delay or defer entry of discharge order
DirAplDirApl - Direct Appeal filed in Circuit Court
Discharge_DENIEDDischarge_DENIED - Discharge Denied (includes both debtors in joint debtor case)
Discharge_DENIED_DDischarge_DENIED_D - Discharge denied for primary debtor only
Discharge_DENIED_JDDischarge_DENIED_JD - Discharge denied for Joint Debtor only
Discharge_REVOKEDDischarge_REVOKED - Discharge Revoked
Discharge_WAIVEDDischarge_WAIVED - Discharge Waived
DoNotClose_HardshipDoNotClose_Hardship - Mtn for Hardship Discharge pending, do not close case
DschgCertsDschgCerts - Pre-Discharge Certifications Due
DsclsDueDsclsDue - Disclosure Statement Due
DuplicateCaseFiledInErrorDuplicate Case Filed in Error - Administratively Closed
Exh/SealedDocExh/SealedDoc - Exhibits and/or sealed documents were submitted in this case - check for disposal
FINrvwFINrvw - Finance Review Required re Appl for Payment of Unclaimed Funds
FUNDSFUNDS - Funds Deposited in Court Registry
FederalExemptionFederal Exemption
FeeAppPendApplication re Filing Fees Pending (IFP or Installments)
FeeDueAbnFeeDueAbn - Abandon Fee Due
FeeDueAdCrFeeDueAdCr - Amended Matrix Fee Due
FeeDueAdPFeeDueAdP - Adversary Fee Due
FeeDueAmdFeeDueAmd - Amended Schedules Fee Due
FeeDueAplFeeDueApl - Appeal Fee Due
FeeDueBKFeeDueBK - Bankruptcy Petition Fee Due
FeeDueCAplFeeDueCApl - Cross Appeal Fee Due
FeeDueCnvFeeDueCnv - Conversion Fee Due
FeeDueDirAplAuthFeeDueDirAplAuth - Direct Appeal to Circuit Court Authorized/Additional Fee Due
FeeDueFundsFeeDueFunds - Unclaimed Funds Fee Due
FeeDueINSTFeeDueINST - Installment Payment Due
FeeDueMPFeeDueMP - Miscellaneous Proceeding Fee Due
FeeDueMtnSellFeeDueMtnSell - § 363(f) Motion to Sell Property Fee Due
FeeDuePCFeeDuePC - Fee due in prior case
FeeDueRLFSTYFeeDueRLFSTY - Relief from Stay Fee Due
FeeDueRedactFeeDueRedact - Redaction Fee Due
FeeDueRemvlFeeDueRemvl - Removal Fee Due
FeeDueReopFeeDueReop - Reopen Fee Due
FeeDueRgFJdgFeeDueRgFJdg - Fee Due Registration of Foreign Judgment
FeeDueSevrFeeDueSevr - Sever Fee Due
FeeDueSncFeeDueSnc - Sanctions Ordered (for financial tracking only)
FeeDueTrClmFeeDueTrClm - Transfer of Claim Fee Due
FeeDueWdRefFeeDueWdRef - Withdrawal of Reference Fee Due
HRGPNSHRGPNS - Hearings to be held in Pensacola Division per motion & order granting
HSCHSC - Historically Significant Case
HealthCareHealthCare - Debtor is a health care business - PPO rules apply
IFPIFP - Informa pauperis debtor / fees waived
INTRAINTRA - Case is an Intra-Distict Transfer
IneligCloseIneligClose - Ineligible for automatic case closing; manual close required
IneligDischIneligDisch - Case ineligible for discharge
JNTADMNJNTADMN - Jointly Administered Case
KKSXAssignment conflict - Judge Specie
LEADLEAD - Lead case in jointly administered or consolidated cases
LimitedNoticeLimitedNotice - Limited Notice Permitted
M1519M1519 - Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519
M1521/1507M1521/1507 - Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507
MDSMMDSM - Motion to Dismiss pending
MDSM_PMDSM_P - Motion to Dismiss w/Prejudice Pending
MEANSNOMEANSNO - Form 22A indicates no presumption of abuse
MEANSTMPEXMEANSTMPEX - Temporary exclusion from means test for Reservists & National Guard
MEANSUMEANSU - Presumption of Abuse undetermined
MEANSYESMEANSYES - Presumption of Abuse
MEMBERMEMBER - Member of an associated case set
MMMMMM - Mortgage modification mediation pending; review prior to closing
MROMRO - Motion to Reopen Case pending
MtnDefWvFeeMtnDefWvFee - Motion to Defer or Waive Fee pending
NTCAPRNTCAPR - Ntc of Appearance filed - Add creditor(s)
NoADINoADI - Do not allow automatic docketing via ADI in this case
NoAutoDischNoAutoDisch - Do not allow Auto Discharge for this case
No_RCSNo_RCS - Reaffirmation Agreement filed without cover sheet
No_Subchapter_VNo_Subchapter_V - Ch 11 Case, not Subchapter V
OBJ1515OBJ1515 - Objection to Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515
OBJ1519OBJ1519 - Objection to Provisional Relief Section 1519
OBJ1521/1507OBJ1521/1507 - Objection to Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507
ORD1515ORD1515 - Order on Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515
ORD1519ORD1519 - Order on Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519
ORD1521/1507ORD1521/1507 - Order on Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507
OvrrideOvrride - Creditor Address Override
PRO_SEPRO_SE - Debtor(s) in case is (are) pro se
PRVDISCHPRVDISCH - Debtor previously discharged
PRVDISMPRVDISM - Debtor previously dismissed
PayStubPayStub - Payroll Advice or Statement of No Employer Income Due
PlnDuePlnDue - Plan Due
PreActPreAct - Case filed prior to the enactment of the BAPCPA
ProBonoLtdProBonoLtd - Limited Appearance Pro Bono Representation of Debtor
ProSeESROpened from an eSR package
Pro_BonoPro Bono Representation of Debtor(s)
Pro_se_ReaffPro_se_Reaff - Pro se Reaffirmation Agreement filed
QC_ReafQC_Reaf - QC Reaffirmation Agreement and then remove flag
R1APGoverned by Order Establishing Procedures re "First Round" Adversary Proceedings
R2APGoverned by Order Establishing Procedures re "Second Round" Adversary Proceedings
REAFREAF - Reaffirmation hearing scheduled
REOPENREOPEN - Case Reopened
ReafHdShpReafHdShp - Undue hardship re: reaffirmation
ReafHrgReafHrg - Reaffirmation hearing scheduled
RepeatRepeat - Repeat/Serial Filer
ReqHrgCancelReqHrgCancel - Request for Cancellation of Hearing (NO PDF REQUIRED)
ReqSepNtcReqSepNtc - Debtors in joint case request separate notice
RevAmdDocMapRevAmdDocMap - Review Amended Document Mapping (Stats)
SmBusSmBus - Ch 11 Small Business
StateExemptionState Exemption
Subchapter_VSubchapter_V - Chapter 11, Subchapter V
TRANSINTRANSIN - Case Transferred into the District
TRANSOUTTRANSOUT - Case Transferred Out of District
TaxReqTaxReq - Request for tax documents pending
WTRSVRENDWTRSVREND - Withdrawal of Trustee Services Rendered
WaiveWaive - Debtor(s) has(have) waived the discharge in this case
WithXMLDataA code to track cases opened with XML data
eSROpened from an eSR package

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